
0 % ... so much energy you can devote into your business when you only focus on activities you are expert at.


Membership in professional organisations

Our office managers have degrees in tax consulting, corporate finance and business. Their membership in professional organizations guarantees our clients a high level of expertise proven by rigorous examinations and lifelong learning.

Participation in regular professional trainings, seminars and symposiums, both nationally and internationally, has become a standard in expanding the knowledge and experience of our staff.


Komora daňových poradců České republiky

Responsible DP: Ing. Tomáš Slavík, Certificate number: 4490
Date of registration: 22.2.2011
Registered to the Code of Ethics: yes


Sdružení účetních a daňových poradců

Since 1991, it has brought together accountants, accounting advisors, economic and organizational advisors, tax advisors, auditors and organizes professional seminars, training programs and multi-day trainings for its members.


Asociace profesních účetních České republiky

It is a voluntary, independent, self-governing professional organization whose mission is to raise the ethical and professional level of the accounting profession and to achieve a prestigious position of accounting professionals in the Czech Republic comparable to the countries of the European Union.


Regionální hospodářská komora Brno

It is an independent legal entity within the network of the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic. It serves to support business activities, to promote and protect the interests of member companies.


CFE (Confédération Fiscale Européenne)

It was founded in 1959 and today comprises 33 national organisations from 25 European countries, representing more than 180,000 tax advisers.

Contact us!

    Where you find us?

    • Opening hours:

    • Mo - Th: 9:00 - 17:00 h.

    • Fr: 9:00 - 15:00 h.

    • Opening hours:

    • Mo - Th: 9:00 - 17:00 h.

    • Fr: 9:00 - 15:00 h.